Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ramadan death toll in Thailand, Sat 28th July, 2012

While the world watches events play out in Syria Israel, you know, that place where Muslims are oppressed, are denied their basic human rights, and where religion is used to silence anybody and everybody, it seems that peaceful Muslims in Thailand continue in their quest in which to have the part of the country they live in, break away and join the rest of the peaceful Islamic world.

Which is why yesterday, 4 policemen were murdered for the sin of not belonging to a peaceful faith. This comes days after the very same peaceful faith murdered another 5 policemen.

However, let's not forget that the aim of these peaceful people is to terrorise the Thai government into letting the south of the country cede from the Empire, and the best way to do that is to kill civilians. Which is why 2 young lads were shot dead as they rode their motorcycles, and another was shot dead as he walked inside his village.

Not content with killing the unbeliever, a man was shot dead inside a mosque in Yala.

Anybody else surprised how the people who claim to belong to a really peaceful religion appear to have the most blood on their hands?

Ramadan death count moves up to 1,020.